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Our Committee

As a committee led charity preschool, we are required to have a committee which includes at least 5 trustees.

The committee group is made up of volunteer parents and community members and is split into two parts. The trustees and the committee helpers. This group is in place to support the preschool to thrive and grow, lend a helping hand when needed and ensuring the management team are managing the organisation effectively. The group meets once a term to discuss any changes or ongoing plans with the management team and are also on hand via a whatsapp group.  

What do we do?

The general committee is made up of a mixture of parents and community members who offer a helping hand in various ways. This could be as a sounding board during committee meetings where we plan the years events, and look at how the preschool can grow and move forward. Others will support with baking for cake sales, or hunting down raffle prizes and we also call in the helping hands of our committee members to support with our parties. The committee is a fun and interesting group and its a great way to meet other parents and get involved in your children's preschool, providing us feedback and helping us to improve. Its also a lovely way to be able to watch your children during parties and events while also supporting us. Without our committee and helping hands we wouldn't be able to fundraise for extra resources or hold all of our extra parties and events. 




Within the committee we are required to have at least five trustees. These trustees support us in the same way as the rest of the group but they also have additional responsibilities and are all required to be Ofsted approved. . The key roles are Chair, Treasurer, Secretary and within these roles, the team work with the management team to resolve any organisation queries, ensure we are financially sound and using our funds appropriately and to support should we have any complaints which need to be escalated or any health & safety concerns. The chair is also a designated safeguarding committee member.

If you would be interested in becoming part of our committee in any capacity, then please talk to a member of staff or a trustee or email the office  


Our Trustees

Meet The Trustees

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