There are various different funding options available to you.

Age 2 Year Funding
Some 2yr olds may be entitled to 15 hours funded childcare, this will be available the term after they turn 2. This is not available to all 2year old children, and will be dependent on meeting a specific criteria which can be viewed here. If you are entitled to this funding, you will be required to create a childcare account via, and then supply us with specific information alongside signing the funding form on a termly basis. Please speak to the management team for more info.

Tax Free Childcare
You can claim up to £500 every 3 months (£2000 per year) Tax Free Childcare. This will allow you to claim £2 for every £8 you pay into your childcare account. You can use this tax-free childcare alongside your funding to pay for your invoices.

Age 3/4 year Funding
All children are entitled to 15 hours funded childcare, from the term after they turn three. These hours can be taken across any of our scheduled sessions as part of a regular pattern. These can be used alongside invoiced hours, to allow you to reduce your childcare payments.
This entitlement is applied automatically, there is nothing you need to do except for signing our funding form each term.

Extended Funding
Some parents will also be entitled to extended funding the term after their child turns 3. This is an additional 15 hours on top of the standard funded hours, taking you up to 30 hours of funded childcare (Term Time). This can be used across all of our scheduled sessions as part of a regular pattern. The entitlement to the extended 15 hours funding is reliant on your income and working hours. If you are entitled to this funding, you will be required to create a childcare account via, and then supply us with specific information alongside signing the funding form on a termly basis. Please speak to the management team for more info.
There are specific eligibility requirements be met which can be reviewed here.