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During the summer term...​


​In the summer term we had lots of fun outside, with lots of water play! We also had this years delivery of duck eggs. We were very lucky and 5 of the 6 eggs hatched this year. We were able to keep them for 2 weeks and the children get involved from hatching to their first bath. We love to get animals involved in our curriculum and this is a great way for us to show the children about caring for an animal. Afterwards we donated the eggs to a local space who look after adults with disabilities.  


Winter Term updates coming soon

We also had our annual school trip....

This year we visited Cholderton Farm. We had a lovely sunny day and were able to stroll around the farm with our children and their families. We had Mums, Dads, younger siblings and grand parents come along and its so nice for us all to spend time of you outside of the setting. We all loved the ice cream !

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