What you can expect...

Give us a call:
01722 711226

Breakfast, we offer a breakfast session for our preschool children, This allows you to drop your child off from 7.45am and we will provide your child with breakfast ahead of their day.
Morning sessions run from 9am until 11.30am, and there is an option to add our lunch in until 12.30pm.
Afternoon sessions run 12.30pm until 3pm, with the optional extra of lunch starting their day at 11.30am.
Afterschool Club, runs 3pm until 5.30pm. We offer an hours session until 4pm or through until 5.30pm.
Wrap around Care for Alderbury & West Grimstead School, we provide an after school club for the children in our neighbouring primary school. The children will be bought to our door by their teacher at 3.15pm, the session runs for an hour until 4.15pm, or until close at 5.30pm.
Please talk to us about what you need and we will see how we can help you.

Food & Drink
Breakfast, Cereals and Toasts
Morning Snack *approx. 10am, Fruits and toasted carbs (Muffin, crumpets etc)
Afternoon Snack *approx. 2pm, Fruits/Veg sticks
After School Snack, Crackers, cheese, fruit/veg sticks
Lunch, we ask that you provide a packed lunch for your child, or we can order cooked lunches directly via Alderbury & West Grimstead Primary school, these can be ordered daily and at a charge of £2.50. This will be added to your invoice for the next month.
We pride ourselves on understanding and knowing our children and their likes, dislikes, and allergies. We are a NUT FREE SETTING.

Key Worker
Each child has a key worker allocated to them, this person will stay with them throughout their time in the room and will be a key link for you as a family. All of the team in each room will have a good awareness of your child, but its your key worker who will build the strongest bond. As a result, we sometimes wait a few weeks to see who your child bonds with to ensure we make the right decision. If you have siblings, we will aim to maintain consistency and keep the same key workers as they will already have a good family knowledge.
When possible it will be your key worker who brings your child out at the end of the day, they will then provide you with an update on their day, and what they have been doing and will give you any thoughts for targeting the next steps in their development. It will also be them who record observations via tapestry and will be there to answer questions and offer support and guidance as you need.

Seven areas of learning
The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) direct us to the Seven areas of learning as part of your child’s curriculum. While this may sound a bit formal and overloading for such small children, its really a part of their everyday learning. Allowing them to explore their curiosities, learn about themselves, their likes and dislikes and build their social awareness.
The Curriculum is broken down into
Physical Development
Gross & Fine Motor Skills, Walking, Jumping, Balancing etc
Communication & Language
Speech, listening, definition of words
Personal, Social &Emotional Development
Building attachments, social skills, bonds with peers etc
Exploring Numbers and expanding this knowledge
Enjoying books, exploring letters and phase 1 phonics (S-A-T-P-I-N)
Understanding the World
Exploring nature, seasons, people who help us, role play
Creative Art & Design
Texture building, exploring all the ways we can create and play, gloop, paint, sticking, glitter etc.

Garden Resources
We are a free flow setting, so we aim to ensure that our setting offers a wide range of resources for your children to explore both in and outside and try to ensure all children have a good balance across both areas. We offer a range of small play activities for our children to play with at tables in the garden, alongside books, scooters, bikes, trikes, role play toys for the mud kitchens. We also have what we call our ‘top garden’ this includes some larger slides, our pirate ship, tractor, climbing frame and the telly tubby hill which the children love to explore.

Extra Curriculum
We pride ourselves in being able to offer some extra curriculum activities to our children.
Football on a Tuesday which is run by Little Kickers
Laura comes in and will either run the activity on the school field or school hall weather dependent. She uses this time to support children with their physical development exploring the ball and some basic skills.
Dance on a Wednesday is run by KidzLoveFit.
Lottie comes in and the children love to do some, jumping, clapping, and generally moving around to music having a good wiggle!
These are both mainly open to the Butterflies (preschool room) but we also encourage the older children from Caterpillars (Baby room) to come and join in the fun.
We also schedule baking into our planned curriculum, this allows the children to have some fun creating and learning some new skills. This is planned in across the setting and adapted to our relevant age group.
Animal Fun
We love animals here, and try to integrate them where we can.
One of our team members has an annual batch of puppies who come to visit.
We also get an annual delivery of duck eggs, in the summer 2023 we had 5 of the 6 eggs hatch and the children were able to watch this, the named them and gave them their first baths before we donated them to a local farm supporting adults with disabilities.